The idea to set up an organisation to unite the olive growers was launched by a Facebook post on 4th October, 2022 by Mr. Jimmy Magro. Several persons wrote in support of this idea. Mr. Magro then proceeded to call a meeting on the 18th November, 2022 to discuss the formation of an entity to unite the olive growers. During the meeting, Mr. Magro explained the need for such an organisation and that there were three options:
Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited is targeting in becoming a first class cooperative society that can provide comprehensive services to its members to create a better quality product that can be placed on the international markets. More services
Encourage the cultivation of olive trees
Encourage the production of olive oil of high quality
Il-Kumitat tat-Tmexxija tal-Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited se jorganizza laqgha ghall-membri kollha tal-Koperattiva. Din il-laqgha se ssir nhar il-Gimgha 24 ta' Jannar, 2025 fis-6.00 pm fis-Sala ta' Koperattivi Malta, Mdina Road, Qormi. L-iskop tal-laqgha huwa li l-membri jigu infurmati bil-hidma tal-Koperattiva, u jinghata taghrif dwar il-laqghat li saru barra minn Malta.
Il-membri kollha huma mistiedna u mhegga sabiex jattendu.