
About Us


The idea to set up an organisation to unite the olive growers was launched by a Facebook post on 4th October, 2022 by Mr. Jimmy Magro. Several persons wrote in support of this idea. Mr. Magro then proceeded to call a meeting on the 18th November, 2022 to discuss the formation of an entity to unite the olive growers. During the meeting, Mr. Magro explained the need for such an organisation and that there were three options:

setting up a company

setting up a cooperative, or

setting up a volontary association through a foundation

During this meeting a resolution was approved to set up a Provisional Committee that was composed of six members as follows: Jimmy Magro, Carmen Spiteri, Charles Bugeja, Gordon Agius, Raymond Scicluna and George Galea.

At a later online meeting, held on the 9th December, 2022, and after seeking legal advice, the decision was taken to set up a cooperative, and the name was decided as Olive Growers Cooperative Limited (Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited).

Following intensive work, with the support of Koperattivi Malta, the Provisional Committee delivered the full documentation required to register the cooperative with the Cooperatives Board.  The application consisted of two sections of the application, business plan and financial projections, statute, certified Identity Cards of all Committee members, address consent form, Form 1 – UBO certified by the Malta Business Registry, and full details of the Committee members.

The Olive Growers Cooperative Limited was registered on the 27th February, 2023.

Following the registration of the Cooperative with the Cooperatives' Board, an Extraordinary General Meeting was held to elect the Management Committee, Supervisory Committee and the External Auditors. 

The 2nd Annual General Meeting was held on the 15th March, 2024.  The Management Committee that was elected during the Annual General Meeting went through some changes on the 6th June, 2024 and now is composed as follows, with Mrs Joyce Muscat being co-opted on the 24th June, 2024.

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Jimmy Magro


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Immanuel Grima


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Roderick Desira


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Carmen Spiteri


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Steven Pisani


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Antoine Psaila


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Joyce Muscat




Management Structure

The management of the Cooperative is regulated by the Statute of the Cooperative.  The Statute provides the Management Structure as follows:

General Meeting of all members

Management Committee

Supervisory Board

External Auditors


Membership in the Olive Growers Cooperative Limited is open to all persons that cultivate olive trees irrespective of the number of trees on their holding.  Every member pays his share ONLY ONCE when he applies for membership.  There are no annual, extra or hidden charges/fees.  Every share in the Cooperative has a value of 50 Euros. A person that is interested to apply for membership has to submit an Application Form and 50 Euros per share requested. The application has to be approved by the Management Committee.  In case you need any clarifications, please call on 79493556.

Any person that is interested to submit a membership application (which is found in the Documents Section) shall fill in the application and sign it, issue a cheque in favour of the Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited (50 euros per share purchased) and make a copy of the Identity Card (Front and Back) and send all documents to the registered address of the Cooperative.  The documents and payments are to be sent to KPZ Limited, 10, Bonsai, Triq San martin, Zebbug, Malta.  Payment may also be made through the Pay a Bill facility of the BOV internet banking and BOV Mobile to Mobile on 79387717

Mission, Vision & Values

Mission Statement

The main objective of the cooperative is to show the uniqueness and quality of the olive oil from Malta and Gozo. To achieve this it is essential to transform how we communicate about the olive and its culture. We want to make known what is behind a product so good for health and providing so many possibilities for gastronomy.

Our mission is to link traditional knowledge —a legacy passed from generation to generation— to new technologies that allow the growth of the olive industry ensuring the care and quality of the our olive oil, produced in the fields of our land and brought to the wider world.

It is of a great importance to value the work and effort of our farmers and producers. We consider this essential in order to create the right conditions to value their work making the olive oil from Malta a product of excellence.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to produce the leading global premium olive products offering worldwide consumers an unparalleled quality and a unique taste experience.

Values Statement

- Union: Our members can only work if they are united.  We work as a cooperative: our members take decisions in a participative and democratic way.

- Transparency: The effective coordination of a project of such dimensions can only be achieved through transparency. Different mechanisms such as certification and the tracking of our products allow us to be completely open to our clients. Come to Malta and meet us. Our home is always open.

- Tradition: Our work in Malta is the result of effort of different generations of families and groves: we know our land and our products.

- Governance: We believe in strong leadership and good governance and hence we shall ensure that our cooperative applies best practices of high standards.

- Care: We take care of the land and the olives because they are our life. They are not just objects to be quantified. In every olive there is a part of us.

Membership Benefits

The Cooperative's membership offers a number of benefits, such as:

  • olive growers will be united under one organisation with a strong voice;
  • assist in the application of best practices for olive cultivation;
  • provide olive oil testing facilities at competitive prices;
  • provide better opportunities for the use of EU funding;
  • provide better logistics with the millers during the harvest season;
  • identify marketing strategies for the local extra virgin olive oil;
  • enter into local and international partnerships for the benefit of the olive growers;
  • special discounts from partner suppliers;
  • implement information campaigns in order to encourage the consumption of extra virgin olive oil; 
  • provide assistance to encourage the use of organic methods of cultivation and processing to attain higher quality products;  
  • introduce better market and quality regulations, including the desired digital traceability system.


Malta EVOO Academy

The Management Committee of the Olive Growers Cooperative Limited has established the Malta EVOO Academy having as the following objectives:

1.  to carry out educational and information events about extra virgin olive oil in Malta and Gozo;

2.  to train consumers about the health properties of extra virgin olive oil;

3.  to carry out olive oil tasing sessions for all citizens;

4.  to enter into cooperation agreements with similar organisations.


The Statute of the Olive Oil Growers Cooperative Limited was approved by the Founding Members on 30th November, 2022.  The Statute can be accessed through the PDF file located in the Documents Section.  As referred to above, the Statute provides for the election of the Supervisory Committee, which was elected on the 12th May, 2023 and is composed of Messrs:  Gordon Agius, Charles Bugeja and Tony Farrugia.

The Cooperative has appointed Fusion Assurance as its External Auditors.