

Health Benefits of EVOO

Sept. 26, 2024


CORDOBA, SPAIN / 26.09.2024

2nd conference on nutrition and health labelling of EVOOs in the EU

The Spanish extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) sector gathered in Cordoba on Tuesday 24 September for the “2nd Conference on Nutrition and Health Labelling of EVOOs” organised by QvExtra!, an association promoting the quality of EVOOs and partner of the IOC.

The goal of the conference was to present the status of the technical dossier submitted by the association to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which seeks to achieve, for the first time, a health claim for virgin olive oils regarding the disease risk reduction. It brought together over 100 attendees from the olive oil sector, ranging from farmers and producers to representatives from governmental institutions and international organisations.

The conference opened with presentations from Soledad Serrano, QvExtra! President, Salvador Fuentes, President of the Provincial Council of Cordoba, and the IOC’s Executive Director, Jaime Lillo. Lillo highlighted the importance of enhancing consumers’ knowledge about the countless health benefits of olive oil and welcomed QvExtra!’s efforts towards establishing guidelines for defending the nutritional and health properties of EVOOs. He recalled that the first conference on nutrition and health labelling of EVOOs took place at the IOC’s headquarters, and reaffirmed the international organisation’s support of this important initiative. The event followed with a series of presentations relating to EFSA’s labelling guidelines and the importance of promoting olive oil’s benefits for human health.

QvExtra! is an international association that promotes and certifies the quality of extra virgin olive oils, ensuring that producers adhere to strict standards and guidelines for excellence. It brings together olive oil producers who are committed to maintaining high quality and transparency in their products. Earlier this year, the association received a grant from the IOC within the framework of its grant scheme for promoting the health benefits of EVOOs.