

Siena Declaration 2019

Sept. 30, 2024

SIENA DECLARATION “ FOR A FAIR VALUE FOR OLIVE OIL” RECOMED, Siena 30 November 2019 The continuity of an activity over time requires that it be economically sustainable and in this sense we have to regret that we are experiencing a moment of crisis in olive oil prices that harms all producing countries. Incomprehensibly the market price of the healthiest fat of all known is too low and that prevents fair remuneration of producers of our association: Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro, Morocco, Lebanon and Slovenia.

From Recomed we claim a fair price for olive oil that allows olive growers to continue an ancient activity and that is the hallmark of their villages.

We state that we must rely on the production of the highest QUALITY and intensify among all the work of COMMUNICATION, FORMATION and EDUCATION towards the consumer as the most important tools to overcome this situation. We must defend the quality of the best extra virgins as a banner of all oils, we must avoid the banalization of olive oil as a commodity product and we must communicate to the world the great differential values of the true olive juice, the Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

For us these values are mainly four: Health, Gastronomy, Culture and Environment and this is the Poker with which we must seduce the entire world. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is HEALTH because there is no other fat that exceeds olive juice in healthy properties: heart-healthy, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, etc, etc. New properties are published every day in the most prestigious media worldwide. No one doubts it anymore, EVOO is a superfood.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is GASTRONOMY, our EVOO is the blood of the Mediterranean Diet, it is the only fat that gives flavor and aroma to food. Nowadays all the great international chefs appear accompanied by a bottle of Extra Virgini in their kitchen. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is CULTURE, the olive tree is the sacred and mythical tree of the three great Mediterranean religions: CHRISTIANITY, JUDAISM AND ISLAMISM. El Olivo explains the wisest of all cultures, the Mediterranean Culture, from Phoenicians to Europeans, through Greeks or Romans.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is ENVIRONMENT, because olive landscape is the largest cultivated forest in the Mediterranean, and thus being an efficient tool to absorb CO2 and therefore mitigate the worrying Climate Change.

Let's spread these values around the world, let's do it from all Recomed partners and invite global consumers to value our product as a gift for their taste and for their health, only then will we be able to maintain a decent income for our olive growers and continue with this crop millennial that is the hallmark of our Mediterranean region.