



Laqgha Generali Annwali

  • Friday
  • 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
  • Koperattivi Malta

Il-Kumitat tat-Tmexxija qed isejjah il-Laqgha Generali Annwali li se ssir nhar il-Gimgha 15 ta' Marzu, 2024 fis-6.00 p.m. fis-Sala ta' Koperattivi Malta, Mdina Road, Qormi.

Il-membri kollha tal-Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited huma mistiedna sabiex jattendu.

L-Agenda tal-Laqgha Generali Annwali se tkun qed tigi mibghuta lill-membri.  Dawk li se jattendu huma gentilment mitluba sabiex jirregistraw permezz ta' email fuq info@kpz.com.mt 



Information Meeting

  • Friday
  • 5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Koperattivi Malta, Qormi

The Management Committee is calling an information meeting to all members of the Olive Growers Cooperative Limited.  The meeting will be discussing:

1.  training of olive growers

2.  buying and selling of extra virgin olive oil

3.  investments by the Cooperative

4.  Opportunities in Olive Tourism

5.  Other Matters

Registration to be made by email on info@kpz.com.mt



Olive Oil Tasting

  • Wednesday
  • 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Koperattivi Malta, Mdina Road, Qormi

Join us for an informative and delicious olive oil tasting session on Wednesday 24th January 2024 at 6.00 p.m. The session will be held in a class room style setting at Koperattivi Malta at Mdina Road, Zebbug. During the olive oil tasting session there will be two presentations and a tasting of five locally produced olive oil from different olive groves in Malta. Those attending will receive a booklet published by the Olive Oil Growers Cooperative Limited and will be able to purchase olive oil in 500 ml bottles at special prices. Price is 25 Euros per person. Registrations may be made on https://evoo.corsizio.com/c/653e4f2ce78cc2c575031017 or by sending an email to kpzmalta@gmail.com.



National Conference

  • Friday
  • 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Koperattivi Malta, Qormi

The Cooperative is organising the National Conference as part of our activities to commemorate World Olive Tree Day which is remembered every year on the 26th of November. The final programme of the National Conference has been published in the News Section of this web site. The Conference is free and is being held at Koperattivi Malta, Mdina Road, Qormi (Near Krea Malta) Those interested to attend the National Conference may register from here https://evoo.corsizio.com/ . Places are very limited and we kindly request those interested to register as soon as possible.



Ta' Qali Farmers' market

  • Saturday
  • 7 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
  • Ta' Qali Farmers' Market

The Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited will be organising a special event to introduce the Malita Extra Virgin Olive Oil to the local market. During this event, consumers may purchase the 500 ml bottle at a special price of 12 Euros. The extra virgin olive oil is made from the 2023 olive harvest, with olives grown in Malta. Furthermore, as part of this event, those consumers that buy two bottles will be given free of charge a newly published booklet that explains 360 degrees the olive sector and everything you need to know about extra virgin olive oil.



World Olive Tree Day

  • Friday
  • 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
  • Buskett Woodlands

The Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited, with the support of Ambjent Malta, is organising an olive tree planting event on Friday 24th November, 2023 at 10.00 a.m. The olive tree planting event will be held at Buskett National Woodlands. The event will be attended by Minister Miriam Dalli, Minister for the Environment, Enterprise and Energy. Members of the Cooperative are invited to take part in the event. Those attending are to send an email to kpzmalta@gmail.com.



Malta EVOO Academy - Postpone to January 2024

  • Friday
  • 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
  • CMBS Building, Mdina Road, Zebbug

This event is an information session about the story of olives and how to be a good consumer in making your choices when buying olive oil. It is open to the public and those who attend will be given a new booklet just published by the Cooperative. Price per person is 25 Euros. Registration at www.evoo. corsizio.com. Places are limited and early reservation is recommended.



Olive Growers Gozo

  • Tuesday
  • 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Government Farm Main Hall

Il-Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited twaqqfet fi Frar 2023 sabiex twettaq program vast ta' riformi fis-settur taz-zebbug f'Malta u Ghawdex. Ghal dan il-ghan l-Koperattiva ghandha l-pjacir li tistiednek ghall-laqgha ta' diskussjoni li se ssir nhar it-Tlieta 19 ta’ Settembru, 2023 fil-5.00 p.m. gewwa is-sala: Government Farm Main Hall, Xewkija, Ghawdex. Ikun ferm apprezzat jekk tattendi u tiehu sehem fid-diskussjoni. Min ikollu bzonn iktar informazzjoni jista jibghat email fuq kpzmalta@gmail.com jew icempel jew WhatsApp fuq 79493556.



Discussion: PDO & PGI

  • Monday
  • 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Koperattivi Malta, Qormi

The meeting is being organised by the Olive Growers Cooperative Limited as part of the public consultation process for the submission of the PDO and PGI applications with the MCCAA. The meeting is open to any interested person in the supply chain of the olive sector, as well as, consumers. Anyone interested to attend the meeting may register by sending an email to kpzmalta@gmail.com



Organic Production: Olive Sector

  • Wednesday
  • 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
  • Buskett Winery, Buskett

The Meeting is being organised by the Ministry of Agriculture. This is a promotional event about the organic production of olive oil. The meeting is reserved for those invited by the Ministry and the Members of the Olive Growers Cooperative Limited. Registration has to be made by sending an email to ambassador.food@gov.mt by not later than 6th September, 2023.