Il-Kumitat tat-Tmexxija tal-Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited se jorganizza laqgha ghall-membri kollha tal-Koperattiva. Din il-laqgha se ssir nhar il-Gimgha 17 ta' Jannar, 2025 fis-6.00 pm fis-Sala ta' Koperattivi Malta, Mdina Road, Qormi. L-iskop tal-laqgha huwa li l-membri jigu infurmati bil-hidma tal-Koperattiva, u jinghata taghrif dwar il-laqghat li saru barra minn Malta.
Il-membri kollha huma mistiedna u mhegga sabiex jattendu.
Il-Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited se tkun qed tiehu sehem fl-attivita - FESTA TA' IKEL MALTI - li se tkun organizzata mill Malta Food Agency fl-20 ta' Ottubru, 2024, gewwa il-Pitkalija f'Ta' Qali.
Se nkunu qed inbieghu Extra Virgin Olive Oil tal-marka MALITA maghmul minn zebbug ta' Malta.
Se jkollna wkoll materjal edukattiv li nqassmu fil-tote basket biex il-konsumtauri jibqghu jiftakru lill-Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited u japprezzaw il-hidma kbira li qed naghmlu biex nghollu l-kwalita tal-prodott Malti.
The Malta Food Agency has undertaken a detailed research on the challenges and opportunities of the olive and olive oil sectors in Malta and Gozo. The National Conference shall discuss the findings of this report following a presentation by the author of the report Dr. Massimo Ellul.
A presentation about the Genetic Resources Project will also be made.
The Conference is being organised by the Malta Food Agency, Koperattiva Produtturi taz-Zebbug Limited and the Olive Oil Association.
Participation in the conference is free. To register click HERE
The Koperattiva Produttui taz-Zebbug Limited has teamed up with Project Green to organise a family event at San Klement Park in Zabbar. The event will provide an opportunity to enjoy the landscape of olive trees, learn about the health properties of extra virgin olive oil, taste special food made out of olive oil, olive oil tasting, children games, potting area, music, food and drinks.
Please join us for this memorable event and enjoy the relaxation environment of San Klement Park
The Olive Growers Cooperative Limited is launching its Olive Tourism Campaign through a national conference to be held on Friday 31st May, 2024 between 1430 hrs and 1800 hrs. More information will be published in the coming weeks. We encourage all stakeholders and members of the Cooperative to attend and take part in the discussions. In order to register your participation, please send an email to by not later than Friday 24th May, 2024
The Olive Growers Cooperative Limited will be taking part in the AgriFair 2024. The Cooperative will be participating on the stand of KOPERATTIVI MALTA, which has organised a stand for a number of member Cooperatives. Members of the Cooperative shall be selling Extra Virgin Olive Oil, providing information about the properties of EVOO, subscribing members into the Cooperative and also providing information about the work plan of the Cooperative. Everyone is invited to visit our stand.
The AgriFair will be open on Friday to Sunday - 12, 13 and 14th April, 2024 betwen 10.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m.and is being held at the MFCC at Ta' Qali.
The Olive Growers Cooperative Limited will be holding educational talks about the olive sector and the properties of extra virgin olive oil during the AgriFair 2024. These talks will take place on the 12, 13 and 14 April, 2024 between 11.30 a.m. and noon.
The educational talks will be held on the stand of the Malta Food Agency.
Those attending shall be offered the opportunity to join the Cooperative by becoming members.
The President of the Olive Growers Cooperative Limited will be interviewed on TVM News+ during the AgriFair 2024.
The interview shall be held on the 12th April, 2024 at 14:30
Everyone is invited to tune in to the interview.
The Central Cooperative Fund (CCF) is pleased to inform you that it will be organising the below event:
Educational/ Information Session organized by the Central Co-operative Fund (CCF)
Title: Maltese Selected Stakeholder Perceptions of Elements and Values in the Co-operative Concept.
Venue: Central Co-operative Fund offices, Triq l-Imdina, Qormi
Lecturer: Professor Peter J. Baldacchino Ph.D. (Lboro.), M.Phil. (Lboro.), F.C.C.A., F.I.A., C.P.A.
Date: Wednesday, the 20th of March 2024
Time: 18.00 to 19.15 (including a 30-minute discussion)